Fallout 4 Crafting Lag


Crafting doesn’t take place at the red crafting table. The game implies that you have to walk over to the red table to enter your workshop. That’s not actually how crafting works in Fallout 4. Fallout 4 has a detailed and sometimes complex crafting and settlement management system. When first trying these systems out they can be confusing, especially since Fallout 4 doesn’t do the greatest job of explaining everything. When you want to build weapons, armor, or mods for both, you won’t be able. Nov 03, 2016 In addition to the complete starter guide below, you can get more help with our other guides on Things to Do First in Fallout 4, Things Fallout 4 Doesn't Tell You. Settlements and Crafting. These steps will fix two Fallout 4 issues: A “laggy” mouse that resembles acceleration or smoothing and the locked 60FPS cap. Launch Fallout 4 and click “Options.”. This guide is intended to be the comprehensive reference to all settings found within the Fallout4Prefs.ini file for the Fallout 4 game. All of the user-configurable settings contained within Fallout4Prefs.ini will be listed and defined (or hopefully will be).

Fallout 4 crafting lag game

The recently released action role-playing game, Fallout 4 has become extremely popular. It is available for PC and game consoles. On PC, it has a number of issues you might face. One of the issues is mouse lag. The mouse is not responsive for many users. Another issue is low frame rate. With my GeForce GTX 750 Ti, it gives only 30 FPS! Here is what you can do about it.
You can try the following tweaks:

  1. Close the Fallout 4 game.
  2. Go to your game preferences folder. Usually it is located at:

    If you are running Windows 7, go to

  3. Double click the file Fallout4Prefs.ini. It will be opened in Notepad:
  4. Find the line iPresentInterval=1
    Change it to

    This should fix the mouse lag issue.

  5. Find the line bForceIgnoreSmoothness=0
    Change it to

Fallout 4 Crafting Lag Download

If you are an NVIDIA SVGA card owner like me, try the following steps:


Fallout 4 Crafting Lag Game

  1. Go to your Desktop, right click the NVIDIA icon in the system tray (notification area) near the clock. Open the NVIDIA control panel.
  2. Now go to '3D Settings' and add Fallout.exe to your Programs.
  3. Then, apply the following tweaks:
    'Triple Buffer' to ON.
    'Max frames render ahead' to 1.
    And finally 'V-Sync' on.

Fallout 4 Crafting Lag Mod

This should improve the game performance a lot.