Skyrim Best Sneak Follower

Adventuring by yourself in Skyrim can be lonely. Sometimes you want a companion to socialize with, need someone to help you carry some items, or just provide some backup in combat.

  1. It all depends on your criteria Here are my criteria for a good follower:. Sexy. Strong. Loyal. Interesting. Won’t die(accidentally or otherwise). High.
  2. Jenassa is one of the first followers you will come across during your adventures in Skyrim. She is a mercenary and you can find her in the Drunken Huntsman tavern in Whiterun. If you want this skilled archer by your side you can recruit her by paying 500 gold. As previously mentioned, Jenassa is brilliant with a bow and arrow.
  3. You're better off with no companion as a sneaky character. If you absolutely must use one, Marcurio and the five housecarls are the best companions. Marcurio has naturally high sneak. Housecarls can easily be given muffle and several fortify sneak enchants.
  4. May 25, 2020 There are a huge number followers available in Skyrim and it can be difficult to know which one is the best. Depending on your playing style perhaps you want a warrior who is a tank and can take a beating while you sneak around with a bow.

Some Oblivion-Skyrim differences in terms of the sneak skill: Pickpocket has been split into a separate skill from Sneak. In Skyrim, unlike Oblivion, your Sneak skill can increase even if you are stationary. If the enemy is aware of you (eye partially open) you will level up the skill faster when they lose track of you (hidden).

The good news is Skyrim allows you to pick from a number of different NPCs to become your follower.

In general, you want to pick someone who complements your playstyle. If you’re a thief or stealth character, you might want to opt for a Dark Brotherhood follower or Serana as they can Sneak with you.

If you’re a warrior, you might want a backline archer or mage. Just be careful of mages as they can fire indiscriminately – I still remember Illia throwing icy spears at me, which she has yet to apologize for.

Skyrim Stealth Archer Build

Also, pick a follower who shares the same ethics as you. You don’t want your friend turning on you if they have zero crime morality.

With all that said, here are the best Skyrim followers to help you choose from.

10. Jenassa

Jenassa is a Dunmer (Dark Elf) mercenary who is one of the best early game followers, especially in vanilla Skyrim. The only downside is her level cap is 40, which is why you might want to find a new companion in the later game.

She specializes in Archery and Sneak, so she can complement Thief play styles and support you from afar in fights. Additionally, Jenassa can also dual wield weapons which makes her a beast in close quarters combat.

She’s great at reacting to threats and can hold her own in dragon fights as she’s 50% resistant to fire. Just be careful, though, as she is capable of dying since she’s a non-essential NPC.

A cool trick you may not know is if you give an NPC an arrow type that’s superior to their default, they can generate an infinite amount for themselves. So you can give Jenassa your Daedric Arrows or Dragonbone Arrows to resupply yourself by picking up her missed arrows.

Given her mercenary status and dark nature, she has no qualms about killing people, even if you order her to attack hold guards. She also doesn’t judge you for doing the same.

In terms of companionship, Jenassa is respectful and has a pleasant sounding, calm voice. She won’t blabber in your ear unnecessarily. If you decide you really want to solidify your partnership with Jenassa, you can marry her by equipping the Amulet of Mara and talking to her.

Find Jenassa in Whiterun in The Drunken Huntsman tavern and have her join you for just 500 gold.

9. Frea

Frea is a Skaal (Nord) shaman and is a potential companion if you have the Dragonborn DLC.

Frea is one of the best followers from a pure damage and combat perspective, just after Durak. Like Jenassa, she can dual wield to dish out a ton of damage, has great base line stats in terms of Health, Magicka, and Stamina, wears heavy armor, and has no level cap. She also heals herself during combat to keep fighting longer.

In terms of dialogue, Frea is one of the few followers that provides new context based on certain environments or situations. She never complains either, even if you accidentally whack her in the head (speaking from experience – sorry, Frea!).

Find Frea in Solstheim in the Skaal Village. To have her join you, first complete The Fate of the Skaal quest then either persuade her if your Speech is at least 25 or bribe her.

8. Serana

As an ancient pure-blood vampire, Serana is one of the Daughters of Coldharbour. She is a part of the Dawnguard DLC and caps out at level 50.

What makes Serana a good follower is her necromancy fighting style combined with her sneak ability, which is rare among mages. She can resurrect the dead – both humans and creatures, including powerful Daedras – so essentially you have two followers fighting for you at times. Her destruction spells are devastating and she can life drain enemies. She also happens to be an Essential character, so you can rest safe knowing she won’t die on you.

Serana’s biggest drawback is how much she complains. The weather isn’t that bad, OK?! Seriously, don’t underestimate how annoying it is to adventure with someone who whines a lot.

Her stealth also isn’t perfect, despite it being level 100. So if you play a sneak style she might ruin it for you from time to time.

Serena’s location depends on which faction you belong to in the Dawnguard DLC. If Dawnguard, go to Fort Dawnguard – if Volkihar vampires, go to Volkihar Keep to find her.

7. Mjoll the Lioness

Most of the followers we’ve seen so far are primarily ranged damage dealers, but Mjoll is essentially a pure tank making her a great companion if you need some extra melee presence in fights.

She maxes out her Heavy Armor and Two-Handed skills at her level cap of 40 alongside a beefy 580 health and good block. If you’re playing as a mage or archer, Mjoll is a great companion for your fighting style. Since she’s Essential, she can’t die either.

As a companion, she talks a lot about her upbringing and past. You’ll come to realize she’s a genuinely good person all around. This can actually be a nuisance though if you break the law a lot, as she’ll give you an earful every time.

If you decide to marry Mjoll, she opens up a shop where she shares the daily profits with you every day, starting from 100 gold and increasing by 100 daily.

Find Mjoll wandering around Riften, in Aerin’s House at night, or in the Bee and Barb Inn. You’ll need to complete the Grimsever quest to recruit her.

6. Teldryn Sero

Teldryn Sero is another Dunmer mercenary for hire that makes our list. He’s available in the Dragonborn DLC and caps out at level 60.

Teldryn’s fighting style is as a Spellsword, meaning he combines melee combat and magic to wreak havoc on foes. His high One-Handed and Destruction skills are high, but he also can summon a flame atronach through Conjuration. When he does, he then uses Destruction magic from afar to support. Teldryn also has the Fast Healing ability to heal himself.

Seriously, the dude can do basically everything. Bring him with you when you just want to destroy everything in sight.

As a social companion, Teldryn provides witty commentary and is a pleasure to be around.

You can find Teldryn Sero at The Retching Netch Inn in Raven Rock, where he’ll follow you for 500 gold.

Skyrim Best Sneak Follower

5. Vorstag

Vorstag is a Nord of the warrior class who’s a good follower for rogue or mage players.

In combat, Vorstag specializes in Heavy Armor, Archery and One-handed skills. He can snipe dragons from afar which is super helpful. He caps out at level 40, though, so won’t scale indefinitely.

He may not be the strongest fighter amongst those listed here, but he’s polite and entertaining. Vorstag willingly carries your items, no questions asked, and makes good conversation. One of Vorstag’s quirks is that he seems to have a fascination for dwarves, specifically the Dwemer ruins.

Recruit Vorstag at the Silver-Blood Inn for a fee of 500 gold. If you want, you can also marry him after wearing the Amulet of Mara.

4. Cicero

Cicero is a one of a kind jester you’ll either love or hate. If you can deal with his eccentric antics, high-pitched voice, and random dance parties though, he makes for an amusing follower that is sure to keep you entertained.

Combat-wise, Cicero can hold his own as an Essential character and tends to be quite blood thirsty. He caps out at level 50 with max One-Handed and Sneak and high Light Armor and Archery. Give him a good dagger and he’ll go to town on anyone. It’s also fun watching him do Sneak rolls to get behind unsuspecting enemies.

Find Cicero near Loreius Farm, north of Whiterun.

3. Durak

Durak is the first Orsimer (Orc) to make the list! As a ranger of the Dawnguard, Durak makes for a great light armor companion specializing in Archery, One-Handed, Block and Light Armor.

On paper, Durak actually has the best stats amongst followers in vanilla Skyrim. This is because he is the only follower without a perk/skill weight mismatch and with no level cap. Now, Skyrim isn’t actually challenging enough to warrant having to optimize for followers this way, but it’s good to know if you just want the best follower in terms of absolute strength.

To recruit Durak, complete the Prophet quest and he’ll be available as a follower.

2. Celann

Celann is another member of the Dawnguard. As a Breton warrior, he specializes in Heavy Armor and One-handed, with light skills in Archery and Block.

With his perks of ExtraDamage and the Two-Handed power attack perk, Celann scales very well into the late game.

Like Durak, he has no level cap and is available as a follower after the Prophet quest is completed.

1. J’zargo

J’zargo is a Khajiit (read: cat) mage that’s a fun companion to have if you’re looking for some variety from the usual humanoids.

J’zargo is best used as a backline mage damage dealer who can use destruction, restoration, and illusion spells. He can also cast Paralyze, which is useful in a variety of situations and makes for some hilarious moments. Next time you see an enemy on the edge of a cliff, paralyze him and watch what happens.

While J’zargo scales with you indefinitely as he has no level cap, he’s still very susceptible to dying given his glass cannon status. If you partner with J’zargo, just make sure you’re tanking for him.

Find him in the Hall of Attainment or Hall of the Elements at the College of Winterhold, where you can complete his quest to have him follow you.


There you have it, our list of the top 10 best Skyrim followers.

As an honorary mention, we’ll also include Inigo if you have his mod installed.

Let us know who your favorite follower or companion in Skyrim is in the comments below!

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Skill: Sneak

This article is about the skill. For the group of skills to which Sneak belongs, see Stealth.

The Sneak skill governs your ability to escape detection by others through reducing your visibility and noisiness. It is primarily useful for committing crimes without being witnessed, for evading confrontation with enemies, and for executing surprise attacks that inflict critical damage. 'Sneak' and 'Stealth' are sometimes used synonymously, which may cause confusion. As defined here, Stealth is a grouping of (more-or-less loosely) conceptually related skills, of which sneak is one. Perks in the Sneak skill tree increase your chances of escaping detection, increase the damage you inflict with sneak attacks, and allow you to avoid setting off traps using pressure plate triggers. They can also give you the ability to perform a forward roll while sneaking and even briefly disappear from sight in the middle of combat. The Sneak skill tree has a total of 9 perks, requiring a total of 13 perk points to fill.

In-game Description: Sneaking is the art of moving unseen and unheard. Highly skilled sneaks can even hide in plain sight.

  • 2Skill Usage
    • 2.1Remaining Undetected
  • 3Skill Increases

Skill Perks[edit]

Deadly Aim
Assassin's Blade
Muffled Movement
Light Foot
Silent Roll
Shadow Warrior
PerkRankDescriptionIDSkill Req.Perk Req.
Stealth1You are 20% harder to detect when sneaking.000be126
2You are 25% harder to detect when sneaking.000c07c620 Sneak
3You are 30% harder to detect when sneaking.000c07c740 Sneak
4You are 35% harder to detect when sneaking.000c07c860 Sneak
5You are 40% harder to detect when sneaking.000c07c980 Sneak
BackstabSneak attacks with one-handed weapons now do six times damage.0005821030 SneakStealth
Deadly AimSneak attacks with bows now do three times damage.001036f040 SneakBackstab
Assassin's BladeSneak attacks with daggers now do a total of fifteen times normal damage.0005821150 SneakDeadly Aim
Muffled MovementWearing armor makes half as much noise when you move (see muffle).0005821330 SneakStealth
Light FootYou won't trigger pressure plates.0005820c40 SneakMuffled Movement
Silent RollSprinting while sneaking executes a silent forward roll.00105f2350 SneakLight Foot
SilenceWalking and running does not affect detection.00105f2470 SneakSilent Roll
Shadow WarriorCrouching stops combat for a moment and forces distant opponents to search for a target.00058214100 SneakSilence

Skill Usage[edit]

Toggling the sneak control causes your character to crouch or stand, indicating that you have entered or left sneak mode.

While sneaking, the crosshair becomes a special reticle indicating the following statuses:

  • A flat horizontal line means you are completely hidden.
  • A slightly open eye means an enemy thinks a target may be near.
  • A half-open eye means the enemy is actively searching for you.
  • An open eye means the enemy knows where you are or can see you.

'DETECTED' will flash under the reticle if an enemy has spotted you and is moving to attack you, while the word 'HIDDEN' flashes once all enemies that had previously been alerted are no longer aware of your presence.

Remaining Undetected[edit]

Remaining undetected is useful for getting into position to initiate a sneak attack or to commit a crime unwitnessed. You have a 'detection value'; how this is used is very involved - there's an entire system of Stealth Points, like hit points but for stealth - but you can think of it as how easy you are to detect: higher is easier.

Detection Value = fSneakBaseValue + (Sound factor * Distance attenuation ) + (Visual factor * Distance attenuation) + (Noticer skill factor * Distance attenuation) + (Noticer skill factor - Sneaker skill factor)

Replacing with the constants used in the unmodded game:

  • fSneakBaseValue = -15
  • Distance Attenuation = ((fSneakMaxDistance - distance) / fSneakMaxDistance)fSneakDistanceAttenuationExponent
    • fSneakMaxDistance = 2500
    • fSneakDistanceAttenuationExponent = 2
      • Distance Attenuation = ((2500 - distance)/2500)2
      • Distance Attenuation = (1 - distance/2500)2

Detection Value = -15 + (Sound factor + Visual factor + Noticer skill factor) * (1 - distance/2500)2 + (Noticer skill factor - Sneaker Skill factor)

As you can see, the Sneak skill - and hence its Stealth perks - does not reduce your sound factor or visual factor; it reduces the Noticer's skill factor.

Your Sneak skill level determines your base chance of remaining undetected, though this chance is significantly modified by a number of other factors, potentially to the point of making you completely undetectable:

  • The Stealth perk and several other perks on the Sneak skill tree.
  • Factors influencing visibility:
    • Line of Sight: All seeing creatures and NPCs have a defined cone of vision; if you fall within it, you are more likely to be detected.
    • Light: you are more visible in brighter light; this modifier carries significant effects across the entire range of light levels.
      • The glow of light over your hands when you have a spell equipped makes you easier to detect, but the aura given from enchantments does not.
    • Invisibility: being invisible is obviously a powerful aid to sneaking, but does not influence enemies' ability to hear you.
  • Noise Level. Factors influencing the amount of noise you make are:
    • Movement Speed: running is noisier than walking. Moving very slowly generally makes little noise. Extra noise from running is negated by the Silence perk.
    • Armor: moving in armor makes more noise; the combined weight of all equipped armor is correlated with its volume.
    • Muffle: A magical effect that reduces or eliminates noise.
    • Spells: casting a spell makes noise unless you have the Quiet Casting perk. Summon spells and most dragon shouts are particularly loud.
    • Weapons: swinging a weapon larger than a dagger makes noise.
      • The noise you hear when you unsheathe a weapon is not heard by enemies.
  • Previous detection: An enemy that was previously alerted to your presence (even if your reticle indicated only a slightly open eye) will remember this, and is more likely to spot you again compared to an enemy who had not yet been alerted to your presence.

Sound Factor[edit]

This is fSneakSoundsMult * (Movement + Action) = (Movement + Action), as fSneakSoundsMult is 1 in the unmodded game. If the Sneaker does not have line-of-sight (LoS) to the Noticer, this is then multiplied by fSneakSoundLosMult, which is 0.3:

Sound Factor = (Movement + Action)*(1 if Sneaker has LoS to Noticer, 0.3 if not)

  • Movement:
    • (fSneakEquippedWeightBase + fSneakEquippedWeightMult * armor weight)*(fSneakRunningMult if running)
    • fSneakEquippedWeightBase = 12 (everyone counts as wearing 12 weight before actually equipping anything)
    • fSneakEquippedWeightMult = 0.5
    • fSneakRunningMult = 2 (you are twice as easy to hear while running)
      • Movement = (12 + (armor weight)/2)*(2 if Running)*Muffle
      • This value is simply set to 0 when not moving, and the muffle effect applies to the entire value if you have it from somewhere - for example, the Muffled Movement perk provides 50% muffle (0.5), and the Silence perk provides 100% muffle (0.0).
  • Action:
    • ActionSound * fSneakActionMult
    • fSneakActionMult = 2
    • ActionSound varies by action, but the various sounds include spells and shouts (if you don't have Quiet Casting), and attacking with (not drawing or sheathing) any weapon that is not a dagger.
      • Action = ActionSound * 2,

Total: Sound Factor = ((12 + (armor weight)/2)*(2 if Running)*Muffle + 2*ActionSound)*(1 if Sneaker has LoS to Noticer, 0.3 if not)

Sneak Attacks[edit]

You perform a sneak attack when you physically strike someone who is unaware of your presence. The amount of damage you inflict via sneak attack is generally increased by a factor that depends on the weapon type and whether you have unlocked certain perks.

Weapon TypeDamage Multiplier
(without perk)
Applicable perk(s)Damage Multiplier
(with perk)
Unarmed (fists)x2N/Ax2
Bowx2Deadly Aimx3
Assassin's Bladex15
  • If you equip the Shrouded Gloves, Shrouded Hand Wraps, Jester's Gloves, or Cicero's Gloves (from the Dark Brotherhood questline), the sneak attack bonus for the Backstab and Assassin's Blade perks are doubled (x12 and x30).
  • The sneak multiplier is only applied to the physical damage done by a weapon, i.e. the damage shown for the weapon in your inventory.
    • Damage increases from Smithingimprovements do benefit from the sneak attack multipliers.
    • Poison and enchantment-related damage enhancements are added to damage inflicted by power attacks, their effects are not increased by performing sneak attacks
  • Both bow and arrow damage are multiplied.
  • Dual-wielded weapons and power attacks are multiplied.
  • Lunging power attacks (hold attack while pressing forward) from sneak mode are especially powerful, although if mistimed, they can alert an enemy before the strike can land (and thus losing the bonus damage).

The very acts involved in preparing for and attacking can result enemies detecting you, and when this occurs the damage you deal will receive no sneak attack bonus. One of the reasons for this is that attacking with weapons (except daggers) itself creates noise. To minimize this, maximize all other factors that enhance your probability of remaining undetected: attack from behind, stay in the shadows, and ensure that the sneak reticle is flat (you are hidden), etc.


If a sneak attack does not kill an enemy, you will become more easily detectable, and your victim will usually start looking for you. However, if you are not immediately detected (if the sneak 'eye' is not yet fully open), you can sometimes quickly land a second successful sneak attack. Enemies who witness the attack (by sight or by sound) are also likely to be alerted to your presence, even if the victim was killed. When using a bow to perform sneak attacks on multiple enemies, position yourself such that after killing one of them you can sneakily relocate behind nearby cover. If you are not detected or become detected but hidden again, you may be able to continue with another sneak attack.


NPC followers will automatically enter sneak mode whenever you do. However, you may be better off having any follower wait out of range of enemies' sight and hearing: You will be stealthier and in greater control operating solo as a stealth style fighter. Followers' chances of being detected are calculated separately from yours, based on their sneak skill and armor. Even followers who have relatively better sneak skill levels are generally more likely than you to be detected.

Further, if detected, followers are very likely to storm in and attack, reducing your tactical control over a situation.

If you are sneaking with a follower at night, ensure that they are not carrying any torches, as they will reliably equip and light them while sneaking, obviously a poor idea in general.

Dogs bark, making them very poor followers if you wish to be sneaky.

There are many quests which give you temporary followers who—unlike regular followers—make your status 'visible' (open eye) if they can see you, which may ruin your sneak attack bonus against enemies. Also, activating them while sneaking will attempt a pickpocket rather than start a conversation. Finally, they may make nervous comments if you are sneaking near them, e.g. 'I thought I heard something', as if they were hostile NPCs.

Skill Increases[edit]

Character Creation[edit]

The following races have an initial skill bonus to Sneak:

  • +10 bonus: Khajiit
  • +5 bonus: Argonian, Bosmer, Dunmer


  • Khayla with the Khajiit Caravans (Common)
  • Garvey in Markarth (Expert)
  • Delvin Mallory of the Thieves Guild in Riften (Master)

Skill Books[edit]

Free Skill Boosts[edit]

  • +1 Sneak reward from Stands-In-Shallows (Windhelm) for completing the quest Some Light Theft
  • +1 Sneak reward from Noster Eagle-Eye (Solitude) for completing the quest Dungeon Delving (Caves).
  • +1 Sneak reward (as well as +1 to all other stealth skills) from Inge Six Fingers (Bards College) for completing the quest Finn's Lute.
  • +5 Sneak reward (as well as +5 to all other stealth skills) by selecting 'The Path of Shadow' from the Oghma Infinium after completing the quest Discerning the Transmundane.

Gaining Skill XP[edit]

  • Successful sneak attacks give the biggest skill increases. Melee sneak attacks give 12x as much as ranged sneak attacks. The amount is flat per sneak attack and does not depend on the damage done.
  • Releasing the Calm spell in your left hand immediatly after a sneak attack with your right hand will enable you to to gain XP quickly. Using a low damage weapon or a punch will preserve the target's health. Trolls are good targets due to their health regeneration. Otherwise you need to heal the target with a spell or wait until they have regained their health.
  • If dual-wielding, a sneak power attack can potentially provide up to three times as much experience, since each of its three strikes counts as a separate stealth attack. This assumes all three attacks land, while remaining undetected, and that the target isn't killed by the first or second blow. Thus it only applies to more powerful targets.
  • Good 'dummies' for training with sneak attacks include: Balgruuf the Greater (After you return the Dragonstone, but before you head to Western Watchtower), Shadowmere, Hadvar/Ralof during Unbound, conjured creatures, especially Dremora Lords as they always appear facing away from you and won't turn around without extended provocation, and the Greybeards while praying. Sleeping enemies are also easy to sneak up on and backstab.
  • Simply being in stealth mode around any NPC increases the Sneak skill very slowly. It is somewhat faster when the NPC is hostile or owns items nearby (e.g., shopkeepers), however. The sickly soldier in the Temple of Kynareth in Whiterun is an easy target as he does not move. A dead thrall can be effective as well. The experience gain is proportional to the number of NPCs nearby. The outside environs of the Goldenglow Estate offer an excellent opportunity to increase stealth. As many as 9 NPCs, all actively hostile, are in the same area. Cautiously creeping back and forth can raise sneak a level every few minutes.

Skyrim Best Sneak Archer Follower


  • Some Oblivion-Skyrim differences in terms of the sneak skill:
    • Pickpocket has been split into a separate skill from Sneak.
    • In Skyrim, unlike Oblivion, your Sneak skill can increase even if you are stationary. If the enemy is aware of you (eye partially open) you will level up the skill faster when they lose track of you (hidden).
    • A simple way to train the Sneak skill is to autorun/walk against the cave wall near the sleeping bear in the tutorial. In this way you can train your sneak skill to any level to the maximum 100 while away from your keyboard. (You can use a rubber band for consoles)
  • Your weapons are swung slower when in sneak mode. Be sure to stand back up after being detected, as remaining in sneak mode by that point is only a liability.
  • It appears that obtaining the Block perk Block Runner allows you to move at normal speed while sneaking and blocking. It is not clear whether this was intended in development.
    • Similarly, rapidly switching spells on your hotkeys (1-8) increases your movement speed while sneaking.
  • The level 100 Sneak perk turns the user invisible for a short moment upon activation. It will override and terminate any ongoing invisibility effects, such as the Shadowcloak of Nocturnal ability, making the user visible almost immediately after sneaking. However, it won't cancel the Illusion Invisibility spell. Since it turns you invisible for a fraction of a second, it's actually possible to crouch in front of an enemy who's already seen you and land a sneak attack.
  • The Silent Roll ability can be useful for more than just stealth. In some cases it's possible to use the roll to go up slopes that are difficult or impossible to climb other ways. (Horses can climb steeper slopes, but where you can't have or don't want one, it's a viable alternative.)
  • It is possible to carry out multiple rolls in several ways:
    • In third-person view, it simply works correctly.
    • In first-person view, both hands need to have a weapon or shield in them, including two-handed weapons and bows.
    • Failing that, i.e. if you have a spell in your left hand, if you equip your weapon after a complete roll it will cause you to roll again. Sheathing your weapon after the next complete roll will cause you to roll again.
  • It is possible to gain Sneak skill experience very easily by sneak attacking people and creatures who will not immediately become hostile. Note, however, that many of these people will become hostile if you attempt to pickpocket them at the same time and fail. Good targets include, but are not limited to:
    • Any of the Greybeards during their teaching of the Unrelenting Force. They will not become hostile, and also have a large quantity of health.
    • Either Hadvar or Ralof during the opening quest Unbound.
    • Ancano at the College of Winterhold, prior to completing Revealing the Unseen, as he will be standing alone in front of the Eye of Magnus and will not become hostile. Note that if you attempt to pickpocket Ancano and fail, he will likely become hostile.
    • Followers, who can be told to wait before sneak attacking them. Outside of combat, their health regenerates very quickly and they will not become hostile as long as they are your follower but they will leave your service if you attack too many times in succession. Wait for them to finish telling you off before performing another sneak attack.
    • Using conjuration spells. This is especially effective when using Raise Zombie on a strong, dead NPC. Note that, like followers, these will become hostile with enough attacks in quick succession.
    • Additionally, using this method with one handed weapons and Healing Hands, both One-handed and Restoration can be leveled up simultaneously by constantly healing the target while striking them whenever they become unaware of your presence.
  • Guards will comment negatively if you have a high sneak skill and say, 'Hands to yourself, sneak thief.'
  • It is possible to roll before the perk is unlocked. Simply jump (while moving forward) and as you are falling press and hold the sprint button.
  • Pacify effects like the Calm spell, if successful, will allow you to sneak again after you've been detected.


  • When you are sneaking, if you sheathe or unsheathe your weapons and tap the sprint button at the right time, you will perform the Sneak roll ability that you get with the Sneak perk at level 50. The number of times you roll may depend on what spells or weapons you have equipped.
    • This can also be done by activating something which triggers third-person mode (e.g. Ore Vein, Grindstone) while in Sneak mode. When the player returns to first-person mode, they will be able to perform the forward roll despite the reticle indicating they are not in Sneak mode. This glitch is fixed by switching back to Sneak mode or third-person view.
    • This can happen when jumping while stealthed, then holding down the sprint key and forward movement key when landing; you will execute a single combat-roll upon landing.
  • If you have the stealth roll perk and are in first person, exiting sneak mode half way through the roll will cause you to roll until you run out of stamina or fall off of something.
  • The Shadow Warrior perk effect can be absorbed, and thus doesn't function reliably if you have Spell Absorption (e.g. with The Atronach Stone ability, Shadow Warrior would only work about half the time).
    • This bug is fixed by version 1.2.1 of the Unofficial Skyrim Patch.
  • You can get stuck in Sneak position. If this happens, it can be fixed by doing anything that forces you out of sneak mode, such as sitting in a chair, swimming, or changing shape.
  • While sneaking, if a new area is loaded, the sneaking reticle will be accompanied by the normal 'compass rose' reticle. This is fixed by exiting sneak mode.
    • This also occurs when activating any crafting apparatus (Forge, Alchemy Table, Arcane Enchanter, Cooking Pot) while sneaking. Upon exiting, in first-person mode your character's view will be lower as if sneaking, and you will move slower. However, no sneaking reticle appears and you cannot Pickpocket (even without the perk, it is possible to do the silent roll; however, it is quite awkward and doesn't always work). In third-person mode you will be standing and can sprint. This is fixed the same way as above.
  • Unsneaking during a roll allows the player to input more roll commands during the roll, each one restarting the roll animation.
  • Muffled Movement provides full movement noise reduction instead of 50% if, at the moment you take the perk, you have Kindred Mage and are not a vampire. This lasts until Muffled Movement is removed.
    Mod Notes: This is caused by magic effect PerkMuffleConstantSelf having Magic Skill set to Illusion, which, in conjunction with the player being a non-undead NPC, allows perk KindredMage to apply its +10 bonus to the initial 0.5 magnitude specified in spell PerkMuffledMovement.
    • This bug is fixed by version 2.1.3 of the Unofficial Skyrim Patch. (details)
  • Muffled Movement's magnitude of movement noise reduction is scaled by any Fortify Illusion alchemy effect on you at the moment you take the perk. The new magnitude lasts until Muffled Movement is removed.
    Mod Notes: This is caused by magic effect PerkMuffleConstantSelf having Magic Skill set to Illusion, which allows perk AlchemySkillBoosts to apply the IllusionPowerMod bonus to spell PerkMuffledMovement.
    • This bug is fixed by version 2.1.3 of the Unofficial Skyrim Patch. (details)
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